Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Conservatives Compare Bush to Hitler

This article examines several anti-war conservatives' opposition to not only the Iraq war, but their fears that the Bush administration is moving towards fascism. Asa sent me this article, and I decided to post it because I wanted to give various perspectives on this blog and not simply post articles that reinforce my own. However, I would like to mention that I disagree with many of the author's statements. Here are two examples:

"The emergence of terrorism as the central security issue had to lead, at the very least, to increased domestic surveillance—of Muslim immigrants especially. War is the health of the state…"

Uh, no.

"… a deep gratitude for their success in the Anglo-American world…"


Here are some provoking comments from the article, taken out of context of course.

"One of the biggest right-wing talk-radio hosts regularly calls for the mass destruction of Arab cities. Letters that come to this magazine from the pro-war Right leave no doubt that their writers would welcome the jailing of dissidents."

"The new ideology of the red-state bourgeoisie seems to actually believe that the US is God marching on earth—not just godlike, but really serving as a proxy for God himself."

"Now the word ‘freedom’ has become a newly invoked justification for the occupation of a country that did not attack us, whose people have not greeted our soldiers as liberators…"

"… hungry to bomb foreigners and smash those Americans who might object."

"those from Christian Zionists may quote Scripture about the Israeli-Palestinian dispute in ways that are maddeningly nonrational and indisputably pre-Enlightenment,"


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