Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Rally to Restore Sanity Was Insane

Rallies always remind me of the Holocaust. There's always hours of standing against your will enduring the weather, there's never any food, and there's always an appearance from Hitler.

I drastically underestimated the number of people attending the rally. The metro trains were jam packed. We had to let one go and then push our way into the next train. Once inside, there was a lot of unintentional dry humping going on. A random man guarding the door pushed people out who were trying to board at each stop. He pushed one woman who muscled her way on board, cramping us further. That guy's probably going to hell.

I got off at Gallery Place and strolled towards the Mall. My plan was going swimmingly. Until I ran into the wall of people a block away. I tried to call my friend to see where he was, but the cell phone signals were jammed. I never saw him. I finally managed to get to the Mall after having to backtrack a little. I began to get excited. But then I realized I couldn't hear a damn thing.

I pushed my way gradually forward (within the flow of the crowd, I'm not that douchebag). I heard a little from Yusuf Islam and Ozzy Osborne. Then I didn't hear so good. Instead, the crowd around me and I watched people struggling to climb up trees to get a better look. We cheered them on and groaned when they fell.

Finally, we inched our way to within earshot. Except for the ambulances, helicopters, and talking idiots in the crowd, I could hear for the most part. I could only see the back of the fat guy in front of me though. There was something about the Dude You Have No Qur’an guy and Kareem Abdul Jabar.

After the rally was over and I was sufficiently sun burnt, I walked to Dupont Circle to try and avoid the crowds. But the train was still relatively packed. I think that might be it for me and rallies; unless nobody cares about the issue, like Darfur, immigration, war, and women.

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