Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Pee Epidemic

I'm conferred with literally several men and they all have had the problem.

The Problem: You think you're finished peeing. You shake it out just to make sure. You close up shop. Sure enough, a few sprinkles leak out.

Waiting Doesn't Work: No matter how long you wait, those sprinkles will come. I once waited an hour. Every five minutes I shook just to make sure. After the hour was up and I put it away, the sprinkles appeared.

The Solution: There is no cure for Sprinkles Syndrome. But there is a way to overcome this problem. After I'm done peeing, I feign like I'm putting it back to bed and then quickly whip it out again. I've found a good deal of success with this method as the penis is tricked into thinking it's going back inside. Once the momentum for the sprinkles start, it's too late to stop even after the penis realizes it's been deceived.

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