Monday, January 08, 2007

More Searches

Here are more actual searches that have led people to the HarazQuack Times. I enjoy thinking about the conversations that led to these searches.

First of all the three most common searches that I get are some variation of:
kim mulkey robertson divorce (I have no fucking idea who these people are)
magic johnson isiah thomas kiss (a touching moment)
Trevor Burbeck (his name is actually Trevor Burbick; spell it wrong once and everyone comes to your site).

I'm not sure that's what I want the Times to be known for, but here are some other searches:
symbolism in Take Pity by Bernard Malamud (sorry to disappoint you)
advocate of sarcasm (I am)
channing frye shirtless (sorry I couldn't provide that)
winner of 1993 fight between Tommy Morrison (couldn't provide that one either)
rocky II rocky's sideburns
definition "Yo Quero" (definition "You're an idiot")
creplach food (I love the person who did this search)
balaban + croatia + jew (I + wish- BOSKO BALABAN!)
sammy davis junior pee on women (he did not)
yo quero taco bell translation (what's moron in Spanish?)
kevin garnett illegitimate children
mother teresa homosexuality
dan snyder kike (he is)
rocky 6 gay (he isn't)
lead singer for kiss is derogatory toward gentiles
yo quero meaning (wow people are dumb)
"really had to poop" (evidently, me too)
why did people in the 1970s wear hats (why do people in the 2000s ask stupid questions)
uncircumcised saddam
phrase "mustache rides" meaning (c'mon, think about it for a sec... got it? good)
hitler uncircumcised
david morrison hitler gay
hitler youth hairstyle
dirk nowitzki circumcised
(circumcision status and German men, a hot topic)
karl rove's gay nazi grandfather
big nipples for gay people named mr hernandez (my favorite)

I had hoped to provide thoughtful yet humorous commentary through this blog, boy did I fail!

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